Friday, September 5, 2008

El pollito y yo / Chickie and I

Gaston! te habla tu conciencia! arrepientete de todas las travesuras que le has hecho a tu humana esta semana!

Gaston! Your conscience speaks to you! Be sorry for all the pranks that you've done to your human this week!

Tu no eres mi conciencia, eres pollito, mi juguete...

You are not my conscience, you're chickie, my toy...

Te equivocas Gaston, soy tu conciencia disfrazada de pollito que te guia por la senda del bien..

You're wrong Gaston, I am your conscience disguised as a chickie who guides you on the right way...

Hablas mucho pollito y yo solo quiero jugar muajajajajaja!

You speak too much chickie and I just wanna play muahahaha!

PD. Que tengan un buen fin de semana!
PS. Have a nice weekend!


Brownie said...

No es tu conciencia disfrazada de pollito es tu mami disfrzada de pollito!...
Las mamis hacen eso, siempre.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Never be sorry for pranks Gaston, be PROUD!

PS: My human thinks you are gorgeous. She has a thing for ginger cats.

Karen Jo said...

Hola, Gaston. I saw a link to you in the Cat Blogosphere and came over to visit. Tell that chickie that if he doesn't stop talking, you'll whap him a good one. That should do the trick.

Melito said...

Jajajajajajaja que bueno,una conciencia vestida de pollito ;P!
Ya sabes,a ser más bueno que tu "concienda de pollito" te ha dicho que eres muy traviseo jijiiijijijijiji!
Un abracito amigo guau guau!

Ailurophile said...

Oh Gaston what a cute kitty you are ~ and you've got a lovely blog ~ with so many yummy bugs...welcome to the cat blogosphere :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Gaston! You can't let that yellow chick get away with talking to you like that! He exists to serve the cat! At least, that's the way it works here at our house!

Parker said...

Hi Gaston - it's very nice to meet such a handsome ginger boy!

Quill and Greyson said...

Hello Gaston, welcome to the blogging world. I'm fairly new too. Please drop by whenever you like, and I'll do the same.

Anonymous said...

Ginger cats can't be fooled by a simple cat toy. You knew it wasn't really your conscience because cats are never sorry for what they do.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Silly toy, cats don't listen to their conscience! Hi Gaston, we came to welcome you to the cat blogosphere! We're impressed, you speak two languages! We usually have trouble with one...we had mom check the spelling in this comment because we don't spell so well.

Anonymous said...

Hola Gastón te vi en el blog de Dark y pase a saludar. Te invito a que pase cuando quiera por el mío.
Así que conciencia de pollito, jeje, muy gracioso.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Gaston!
You are a very handsome mancat and we are happy to meet you.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & baby Honey

Tesla and Hansel said...

Hai Gaston- i likes yoor nam. Yoo is coot kitteh!

Noemi Risco Mateo said...

¡Jajaja, qué bueno! Gracias por cambiar el fondo, ahora se lee mucho mejor y ya no tengo que sacar la cabeza de vez en cuando para respirar ;)
Por cierto, Gaston, estás un poco gordito tipo Garfield, ¿no? A ver si te hace más caso Pipo y os pegáis unas carreras :)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Nice to meet you and your chicken! Have a nice weekend :)

Brownie said...

Hola Gaston! Sabes porqué te comentaron tantos amigos? Porque yo los invité a que vieran tu blog! Les dije que eras un gato genial, ahora tendrás muchos amigos. Te hice un favor!!!! :D

Victor Tabbycat said...

Hola, Gaston! I like your toy chickie. Mom speaks a little Spanish, but not a lot. Me gusta su blog. Purrs!
~ Victor

The Crew said...

Hi Gaston, we saw you over at Daisy's comments. Welcome to our cat blogging community. Stop over and meet us.

George, Tipper, Max & Misty
The Crew

Girasol said...

jejejejeje come a tu conciencia Gaston!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gaston! What a handsome ginger mancat you are! Welcome to the cat blogosphere.

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Hi Gaston! It's nice to meet you. Welcome to the CB!!!

Gunther said...

Esa conciencia muy directa....muy habladora, no deja dormir.... no Gaston?? yo creo que es tu mamita disfrazada de Pollito...ellas hacen todo por nosotros y porque las escuchemos ;O)

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

Much gusto, Gaston!

Tu eres bonito, si?

el chickie es muy tonto.

you should eat him...


Katie Kitty Too

Jane said...

I don't think you look ashamed Gaston- I don't think cats have consciences. I have never noticed anyway!! But I have noticed that you have some lovely chairs to sit on - very comfortable! A happy purring Sunday for you, Your human friend, Jane

Quill and Greyson said...

I know we just met but I left you an award over at my place.

Anita said...

Muahahahahahahaha! Ni pollitos, ni Pepitos Grillos... nosotros tenemos licencia eterna para gatorrizar... ¡Muahahahahá!